Few days ago,I received one text message from my friend.I thought it was a joke at first as his message starts at "I hate her,I hate her..." and in school,he's always a happy-go-lucky person.Never thought that he got stress or problems maybe he just keep inside his heart.His problem is he has a bad relationship with his mother.In school,he ever mention to me that he don't like his family and I feel sorry for him.Back to the topic..XD
"I hate her..I hate her..I damn hate her..She's making me crazy.........."This is the opening of his message.The main point is,his mother always scold him without reasons and this time he was scolded by his mother as he stay in his room.
Actually I used to stay in my room for whole day long too.I don't know why but I feel comfortable when staying in my room.Sounds weird right?Because of this,I also get scolded by my parents too.They keep on complaining that I keep on staying in my room.Please don't ask me why my parents don;t like cause I also don't know why my parents dislike me stay in my room.
Sometimes,it's difficult to maintain a good relationships with parents.As whatever we think,whatever we want and whatever we decide are not same as our parents.I'm facing that problem and I'm sure most children have the same feeling too.
My advice to my friend(You know who you are):
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.Forgive as the Lord forgives you-Ephesians4:32.Love and forgiveness are costly but they are the price of good relationships.
I know that you have been trying very hard to let your mother that you have change,you are different from last time.But,as I told you before,sometimes..things do not go so smoothly like we thought.I'm also a teenager and I know what you think.Furhtermore,I faced it before too.So,trust me,I know how you feel.
Parents usually face more stress than us so maybe they feel so stressful and they don't know how to realease their stress.So,we become the victims!!!>.<>
Angry is not the way to solve problems.Morover,do you know that angry is one of the cause that can make us get cancer?Shock??Hehe..Whenever you are angry,remember what our english teacher taught us(Miss Law) Count 1-10,if we are very angry,count 1-100.Search for help from God is the best of all,PRAY!!God is the best listener of all.When troubles come into your life that seems too much to bear,give God the opportunity to show his love and care.
You never know that maybe now you was scolded by your parents innocently and you never answer them back,you are learning PATIENT.=) Forgive to those who hurts you eventhought you know that you are not the one who is wrong.It can be the first step that make things better.In every troubles,I'm sure that God has his plans or there's something he want you to learn.So,seek for God.He's always there for you and because of this,relationship between you and God can be better.
As I am writing this passage,I suddenly remember that someone told me before that how difficult our mother gave birth to us.They have to bring us here and there for nine months!If you think it's a small case,then you can try it.Bring two big bottles of water with you and carry them where ever you go.I'm sure you will admit that it's really difficult.It's also a reminder for me to treat my parents better.
My dear friend,I know you can do it.To let your parents know how you feel,you can express your feelings.Keep it in your heart does not make things better.So,come on!!Yesterday is history,tomorrow is mystery,today is a gift and that's why it's called present.^^ Don't mind about yesterday,think for today and try your best before it's too late.Wish you and your mother can get better soon...